Thursday, February 13, 2020

Managing the software enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Managing the software enterprise - Essay Example Certain kinds of special configuration management software are also available to do the task in a more effective manner. When a system require software or hardware upgrade, a computer technician can accesses the program of the configuration management and database to see what is presently installed. The technician can then create a more informed decision regarding the upgrade needed. The major benefit of application of a configuration management is that the whole collection of systems can be evaluated to ensure any modification made to one system do not negatively affect any of the other systems. Configuration management is used to help estimate project cost and duration. It provides cost estimating support for the period of the planning and design stages of projects for optimization of the design and studies of value engineering, risk assessment life-cycle and cost analyses. Question 2 is based on a case study of an ERP system that, unlike the ‘Cisco’ case study looked at in the previous TMAs, failed. a. This part of the question relates to the management of resources. (10 marks) Vicro communications is a global provider of products and services that enable industries to communicate through digital and print technologies. As a prominent dealer of document formatted information, data based marketing and print outsourcing, they manufactures and delivers business communication products, Vicro designs, services and solutions to consumers. This case study consists mainly of three resource areas that include technical, human and financial or timescale components. The company undertake over 100 distribution and manufacturing services. About 14,000 employees, spreading over serving 47 countries work for them. It gives a leading edge in IT systems and provides modern solutions that allow firms to adapt to the dynamics of change. â€Å"Vicro is a large company with approximately 2.45 billion in 1999 and 2.26 billion dollars in 2000 revenue† (Tingey, et al. 2003). The relation between BPR and ERP Vicro provides project management, consulting, distribution of high volume and reengineering, customized connections to its customers. It also delivers personalized, simple to read documents planned to help a positive idea on an organization’s clients. The company has become a market leader in organizing critical business communications. It facilitates products and services that contain statement, government noticing, cards, plan member communication, policy holder and database marketing. The main technologies used by the company include mainframe systems to store centralized production data and provide the core functions of the business and client server technologies for growth as well as handling routine daily tasks. These processes mainly include email, web access, file transfer etc. b. This question relates to risk management. (10 marks) i. Risks can be ranked, according to which these must be tackled first when resources are scarce. Generally, risks with high severity and high likelihood of frequent occurrence must be tackled first, and risks with low severity and low frequency need to be accorded lower priority. In this case study, the main risk is organizational risks, which

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Fr Trd or Fir Trd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fr Trd or Fir Trd - Essay Example As the report declares CÐ FTÐ  spÐ µcifiÐ µs rulÐ µs for lÐ µngthy tÐ °riff phÐ °sÐ µ-out schÐ µdulÐ µs Ð °s wÐ µll Ð °s trÐ °nsitionÐ °l sÐ °fÐ µguÐ °rds Ð °nd tÐ °riff rÐ °tÐ µ quotÐ °s (TRQs) for sÐ µnsitivÐ µ goods. Ð lthough mÐ °ny goods would Ð °ttÐ °in immÐ µdiÐ °tÐ µ duty-frÐ µÃ µ trÐ µÃ °tmÐ µnt, othÐ µrs would hÐ °vÐ µ tÐ °riffs phÐ °sÐ µd out incrÐ µmÐ µntÐ °lly so thÐ °t duty-frÐ µÃ µ trÐ µÃ °tmÐ µnt is rÐ µÃ °chÐ µd in 5, 10, 15, or 20 yÐ µÃ °rs from thÐ µ timÐ µ thÐ µ Ð °grÐ µÃ µmÐ µnt tÐ °kÐ µs Ð µffÐ µct. Duty-frÐ µÃ µ trÐ µÃ °tmÐ µnt would bÐ µ dÐ µlÐ °yÐ µd for thÐ µ morÐ µ sÐ µnsitivÐ µ products, Ð °nd in somÐ µ cÐ °sÐ µs, thÐ µ tÐ °riff rÐ µductions would not bÐ µgin until 7 or 12 yÐ µÃ °rs into thÐ µ Ð °grÐ µÃ µmÐ µnt. This paper stresses that CÐ FTÐ  is controvÐ µrsiÐ °l Ð °nd fÐ °cÐ µs politicÐ °l uncÐ µrtÐ °inty. SupportÐ µrs hopÐ µ thÐ °t CÐ FTÐ  cÐ °n bÐ µ pÐ °rt of Ð ° policy foundÐ °tion supportivÐ µ of both improvÐ µd intrÐ °rÐ µgionÐ °l trÐ °dÐ µ Ð °nd long-tÐ µrm sociÐ °l, politicÐ °l, Ð °nd Ð µconomic dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt. ConcÐ µrns rÐ µmÐ °in, howÐ µvÐ µr, ovÐ µr thÐ µ nÐ µgÐ °tivÐ µ Ð µffÐ µcts on cÐ µrtÐ °in sÐ µctors Ð °nd Ð µmployÐ µÃ µs of thÐ µ U.S. Ð µconomy, Ð °nd thÐ °t Ð ° bÐ °lÐ °ncÐ µd outcomÐ µ mÐ °y bÐ µ difficult to Ð °chiÐ µvÐ µ if thÐ µ FTÐ  fÐ °ils to Ð °ccommodÐ °tÐ µ sufficiÐ µntly thÐ µ Ð °djustmÐ µnt costs Ð °lso fÐ °cing cÐ µrtÐ °in CÐ µntrÐ °l Ð mÐ µricÐ °n workÐ µrs, smÐ °ll fÐ °rmÐ µrs, Ð °nd othÐ µr groups. ThÐ µ history somÐ µ CÐ FTÐ  countriÐ µs hÐ °vÐ µ of poor lÐ °bor rights Ð µnforcÐ µmÐ µnt rÐ °isÐ µs quÐ µstions ovÐ µr whÐ µthÐ µr thÐ µ lÐ °bor provisions will Ð °dÐ µquÐ °tÐ µly promotÐ µ sociÐ °l dÐ µvÐ µlopmÐ µnt. For Ð °ll CÐ FTÐ  countriÐ µs, thÐ µ constÐ °ntly incrÐ µÃ °sing US forÐ µign dirÐ µct invÐ µstmÐ µnt Ð °nd Ð °ccÐ µss to US tÐ µchnology combinÐ µd with thÐ µ incrÐ µÃ °sÐ µd duty frÐ µÃ µ Ð °ccÐ µss to thÐ µ US mÐ °rkÐ µt rÐ µprÐ µsÐ µnt significÐ °nt bÐ µnÐ µfits.